Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A better day

Daner had a great night.  Slept wonderfully, did have more leg pains, but only a momentary one.  He had a peaceful morning as well.  The afternoon was more difficult for him.  He was really nauseated, a popular word these days, and did get sick a bunch.  The nurse gave him his benedryll and it relaxed his stomach. Daner was able to rest.  Nana and Papa came to visit as well as two of Mommy's friends.  Everyone was so kind and concerned for him.  With the new chemo medicine he started today, he ran a fever for most of the day leaving him pretty wiped out. During the evening his nausea medicine lapsed and he did get sick again when he got up to use the bathroom, my sweet little guy.  Any movement mixed with a queasy tummy is just trouble.  He is liking a cool rag on his head as well as his assortment of mints Daddy brought him to cover the funky chemo mouth.  Around 8 pm his fever was finally gone, his tummy was somewhat settled so Mom snuggled up and we watched American Idol together.  He didn't feel like anything to eat, but he did question when he would be off all his iv's and feel up  to eating again.  He told me he wanted hot wings of all things....Buffalo Wild.  (Poor guy, I'm not sure he will feel up to hot wings, or if he does, if they would even stay down for like 6 months!)  We discussed the American Idol contestants and whether we liked the song they chose or not.  We did vote for contestant #3 in case you are wondering, the dude with the bass.  I tried to get him interested in Off the Map, but seeing patients with gross wounds was not very settling, so we watched a new series that really caught his interest (which is hard to do these days).  When it was over Daner had to get a ton of medicine and that just exhausted him, so he crashed.  It is always nice to see him so relaxed!  Every opportunity that Dane has where he is relaxed and at ease and can talk and comment on things to me is so precious.  These times feel so rare lately and his dad and I are always anticipating these moments.


  1. Oh my gosh! I LOVE that bass player too. Now, there's a real musician for ya. Ya gotta love the guys who play real instruments! I also liked the girl with the really curly hair who sang the Janice Joplin song as well as Pia. Both these ladies have POWERFUL voices. Both Abba and I feel that this is, by far, the best year on Idol - the most talented singers ever. We think they should have one male winner and one female winner. We're prayin' for you. Love, Mutti
